Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow day

Monday was a snow day. Jackson's day care follows the Eugene school district (now we know) and they were closed on Monday because of the blizzard...cough, 4 inches, cough...that rolled through on Sunday. We tried to take him to day care but there was no one there. And when Mary got into her office her boss was in to call people to tell them not to come in. So Mary got a snow day as well with Jackson. But the very sad part was that the pool was also closed, so, there where no swim lessons. Jackson is for sure over his cold as he is back to his regular appetite. Today he started in a new room at day care. He has moved up from infants and is now in "wobblers", which are not quite toddlers. He has been visiting there for the past few days and gets along there as well. Today we each saw him crawl, independently. So neither will confirm the others observations, but we both saw it. He will be a bigger handful soon. And then today he got veggies and noodles from soup. He seems to like them and todays treat were gold fish crackers. Good day and hopefully the schools will not be closed tomorrow so we can have swim practice. But there was some more snow this evening. EVERYONE PANIC....we will see.

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