Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jackson 18 weeks old

This week Jackson turns 18 weeks old. On Monday he had his 4 month Dr. Appt. All is well. His weight is in the 5o% and length is 55%. He got three shots, not too happy with that part, but hey who would be. Yesterday [day after] he was fussy, but today he seems much happier. We have some pictures from the last week, including two from out "Birth to Three" group from Thursday. The best one is, unfortunately, the one with my head in the way. But you can see all 12 kids, and Jackson (ours) and Aiden have not yet begun full meltdown. Which is in the second picture. Then we have a our weekly update series as well. We bundled him up well for a trip to the dog park on Sunday morning. It was cold [for him] around 55°F. We are getting a new roof today. So more home improvement pictures to be posted later.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Jackson 17 weeks old

This weekend we also went to a volunteer dinner at the Arboretum that works in conjunction with the Friends of Buford Park in the area. We have a few pictures from that event [the weekly update picture comes from there as well]. This has been a busy week and especially weekend as you can tell from the last few posts [and even more so because they are late] This week Jackson's milestones are: we are starting to hear consonants in his sounds. [but like everything else I may need an objective opinion to back me up] On a side note I am quite sure I heard him say "aqua" yesterday.[*independent verification needed] I blame Gram and Bebo [Julie and Fernando] for that one. And he is still growing, a lot, we are moving into his 6-9 month clothes, he is quite tall. This are moving along. I am back at school after my summer internship. I have been writing a lot and feel good about what I have gotten done. We have the four month appointment on Monday, all seems to be on schedule.

Fence Final stages

After the beach we came home and worked on house projects. Last week we did the post installation. This week we: installed the wire, planted the Honey Suckle and added the post caps. The fence looks quite nice if I do say so myself. You can see for your self here.


On Saturday we went to the beach. It was Jackson's first trip out to the coast. He seemed to enjoy it, he was wrapped up tightly and under Mary's coat for a good portion of the time. The weather was cool, there was some rain but a great trip to take before the real weather starts up. We took a few pictures of the field trip.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jackson 16 weeks

As usual we are behind. Jackson is doing well, we have achieved a few more milestones. This last week he rolled from his tummy to his back. [After a lot of twisting back and forth to the sides] Once again he was surprised with what he did, but this was more pleasant than rolling onto his tummy. Then tonight when we were watching Jeopardy and I was feeding him, he took the bottle from me and "held" it between his wet little fists. As this week's set of pictures will show: Mary has brought out the mirror and he is doing his "torture" in front of it. The mirror does seem to make it more acceptable. Today Mary got him a Bumbo chair that can help him sit up. So far so good. He has the neck strength but not that back and stomach strength yet. I am sure we will see more of it. This should help. We have also updated the week by week pictures. Sorry, we just have stills for this update.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Jackson Videos

We took some video of Jackson this weekend. We have four great little snipettes for y'all: first one of him talking, a second of him talking, and (yes, yes I know) a third of him talking (with bonus wiggling) and finally one of him chatting with my parents via the computer out in CT. Tomorrow we will do the weekly update with some pictures. I hope this helps 'till then.

New Fence, stages one->three

We are getting a lot of our house projects done this summer/fall. Yesterday and then into today Mary removed grass from the yard. This is where the lavendar was located. Then today we dug
six holes for the fence posts. Then placed the fence posts in. We had to do it in stages because it got up 93F here this afternoon ( a tad warm for digging holes). Tomorrow Mary will find the plants and then we will string them up with more pictures to follow. There are four pics including the title one: title, second, third and fourth.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Jackson 15 Weeks old

Jackson is becoming much more lively. Today we have a video of him laughing with Mary. We have been doing lots of walking with him in the jogging stroller. On Saturday Mary went for a 3+ mile walk with her Moms and Kids walking group. Then in the afternoon we walked to the Saturday Market (2+ miles round trip). We got some goat cheese and Interlaken grapes ( small, sweet and seedless), a nice olive loaf of bread and some fancy chevre cheese. That night Mary made stuffed mushrooms and nice spread for the bread with the cheese. Then tonight after it cooled off, we went for a walk around the neighborhood, about 2.6 miles. We are planning on grilling tomorrow and spending more quality time with the kid. We have a few more pictures from the week, mostly of "tummy time", and then our new picture for the update. I can't believe that he is 105 days old. In real time that is not even 4 mouths.