Thursday, January 31, 2008
Video update
Yesterday was busy; we had swim lessons and we played at home. We have lots of videos to show. First of all the little digital camera case works great. (you saw the sills last week of swimming) So I changed the camera settings to take movies. They are short 10 to 15 seconds each, but they show the swimming. And I was surprised to hear that it picks up sound well despite the water proof case. So here are swimming videos: Video 1, video 2, video 3, video 4 and video 5. Then while at home we used the larger (real video camera) to film Jackson. This first video is him playing with the electronic drum sticks Mary got him. This second video is him playing with a book. I think that he says something there, but I can't quite make it out. (Mary was saying she didn't hear it, but now that I have AV proof she has changed her mind and agreed with me.) So we are looking for confirmation of the word. Technically this is not the first word he has said, just the first recording (I have heard "mama" before). Then the third video is him "crawling" we did get more moving early, but I was too slow with the camera. But this is still a good video.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Snow day
Monday was a snow day. Jackson's day care follows the Eugene school district (now we know) and they were closed on Monday because of the blizzard...cough, 4 inches, cough...that rolled through on Sunday. We tried to take him to day care but there was no one there. And when Mary got into her office her boss was in to call people to tell them not to come in. So Mary got a snow day as well with Jackson. But the very sad part was that the pool was also closed, so, there where no swim lessons. Jackson is for sure over his cold as he is back to his regular appetite. Today he started in a new room at day care. He has moved up from infants and is now in "wobblers", which are not quite toddlers. He has been visiting there for the past few days and gets along there as well. Today we each saw him crawl, independently. So neither will confirm the others observations, but we both saw it. He will be a bigger handful soon. And then today he got veggies and noodles from soup. He seems to like them and todays treat were gold fish crackers. Good day and hopefully the schools will not be closed tomorrow so we can have swim practice. But there was some more snow this evening. EVERYONE PANIC....we will see.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Today is 251 days (major updating)

Thanks for all the well wishes for us to get better. It seems to have worked we are all doing much better ( as you will see for the following posting). I do have some pictures from last week when were are all sick. ( not of us being sick, or anything like that) Jackson's bebo was down last week ( just by luck) when we were all sick. He did get to spend some time with Jackson in between...outbursts (shall we say). It was very helpful to have someone else there to help us, we just hope we did not get him sick. Then on Wednesday we skipped swimming just to have some more rest ( we will make it later, FYI another lesson tomorrow) but Jackson did get to take a bath, with a special treat of bubbles. Thursday was our last "Birth to Three" of the infant set, in May or June we start the "Wonderful Ones". Then today it started snowing some time between 4AM and 5AM and we end up with about four inches of snow. We also have a few pictures from us hanging out this morning. The snow made things difficult as we hosted a baby shower for one of my co-workers and his wife. We had a great showing except for our boss. ( he is from Texas and his wife is from Florida, and they don't like to drive in the snow.) But the rest of us had fun, games were cleaner and less disgusting than before. Back to Jackson: We had some fun and used the video camera today for Jackson: We have what Jackson would call Christmas again - video 1 (or we call it playing with paper); Mary tickling Jackson - video 2; Random shots of snow and birds - video 3; and just a mundane clip we like to call "second breakfast with Jackson" - video 4. ( you can see the snow falling in the background and see how easily he gets distracted) Then as always we have an update of the weekly pictures. This should work for a while. I will get more from swimming tomorrow. TTFN.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
This was very gross weekend as we all got sick. Jackson has been ill most of last week, there has been plenty of vomit. Then on Saturday Mary go sick (I mean sick), she started to feel better on Sunday. That afternoon we took him to the urgent care clinic to get him checked out. The Dr. said that a virus has been going around but we should just keep him hydrated and keep an eye on him. While we were there, I started to feel ill. I knew that I would be sick by the end of the day. And I was. I was sick on Sunday, and was trying to get better yesterday. Today we are all still sick. Mary is at home with Jackson and took him in to the regular Dr. for another visit. He has stopped vomiting and is doing better with liquids, and he seems happier.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Jackson 240 days

As usual we were too busy and tired to get a posting up. But there is only so long I can use that excuse. Last week Jackson started day care. It was better that I expected, no tantrum or crying or hysterics. Jackson did well too when we left. (didn't see that joke coming did you?) That was a good three days. Then last week we had another Birth to Three class. Everyone is getting so big and they all can sit up. It is getting more fun to see their interactions with each other. On Monday of that week we started swim classes. It is only 30 min, the goal is just to get him in the water and having fun. And he does love to splash. He had fun and we had fun. There are six sessions, Mon. & Weds for three weeks. Then later that week he got a cold ( which he is still getting over) (FYI: babies get 8-10 colds a season, so odds are that kid is sick. Also, that is a lot of snot, trust us.) This last weekend was great. We went up to Portland for the day to visit some family and do some shopping. Jackson got to see two of his cousins, who gave him many more hand me downs. I got a book from my Aunt Barb (I think that she said the book was for Jackson, maybe) titled "Z is for Zamboni, A Hockey Alphabet". Jackson is almost over his cold. Today we went for out fourth swim lesson. I got a water proof case four our small digital camera, and it got it maiden voyage. There are some excellent pictures. Then as with any long delay there is more than one addition to the weekly update pictures. Till next time, I will try not to make it so far between.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Jackson update

This past week has been busy. Jackson is getting so big. He really enjoyed Christmas, his favorite part was the paper. And oh so many things to eat. We have quite a few pictures here from the past few days: December 25th (around the house), December 26th (still around the house), December 28th (yes, around the house) and December 31st (still at home). We even have a small video of him beginning tor crawl, though right now it more of a rock and he only moves backwards. But he does know that he can barrel roll to go sideways to get away from us or closer to a dog (who then realizes that she is being "chased" and then moves out of arm reach. Then the cycle continues.). We have updated his progression with some new pictures here as well: see Jackson grow. We have signed up for Parent/baby "swim" lessons starting next week. I am so excited. It will be so much fun. Today was his first day of day care. He fared better than us. He didn't sleep as well as normal so we will see how the night goes.
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