As usual we are behind. Jackson is doing well, we have achieved a few more milestones. This last week he rolled from his tummy to his back. [After a lot of twisting back and forth to the sides] Once again he was surprised with what he did, but this was more pleasant than rolling onto his tummy. Then tonight when we were watching Jeopardy and I was feeding him, he took the bottle from me and "held" it between his wet little fists. As this week's set of pictures will show: Mary has brought out the mirror and he is doing his "torture" in front of it. The mirror does seem to make it more acceptable. Today Mary got him a Bumbo chair that can help him sit up. So far so good. He has the neck strength but not that back and stomach strength yet. I am sure we will see more of it. This should help. We have also updated the week by week pictures. Sorry, we just have stills for this update.
May I just say that Jackson Thomas Gatlin is very possibly the sweetest and cutest baby ever born?
As always he is charming and adorable!
Want to hear something funny? My new friend/co-worker just found out that she is expecting. It seems everywhere I go someone is having a baby. ;-)
Hee! Somewhere I have a baby picture of my own that is just about exactly like #10. Except, of course, that Jackson is cuter than I ever was.
Do you remember playing with mirrors as a very, very young child? I do. It's one of my earliest memories. I was always trying to see what was around the corner and out of frame. I had this wild idea that if I could just see into Mirror-Land at the right angle, I would see strange and marvelous things. How fun to see Jackson discovering those same things we all have!
By the way, when I saw this, I thought of you guys. So wrong it's right: http://tinyurl.com/2bst7y
Miguel Emiliano has the bumbo chair too. I think it is quite possible the two of these guys have nearly identical lives!
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