Yesterday when we were in Seattle Jackson got to meet a bunch of his family that he had not yet met. He had met some of my side, but now it was time to meet some from the maternal side. He met his Uncle Mike, Uncle Josh and Aunt Cam, great gram, tia abuela (great aunt) and tio abuelo (great uncle). I was able to get a few pictures [ there are a lot that I missed, an issue that I will fix next time, which I am afraid will not be until Thanksgiving.] But of those ones that we took here are a few of the good ones. Jackson was real trooper. The drive up on Friday was very long, including 2.5 hours just north of Fife on I-5, where we only went two miles. A tanker truck had flipped and spilled gas on the roadway. [All in all our drive from Eugene to Seattle took over 8.5 hours. I had anticipated a 6 hour trip which included two x half hour Jackson breaks.] He likes the car [or did before then] when it is moving. Being stagnant was not fun. The drive back today was a shade over five hours, including one stop for Jackson. The point of this was Jackson travels well and did great with so many new people. This post will not replace the weekly update which will be later tomorrow.
Hey Guys! It's good to see that all is going well for you.
Mary, sorry I missed your birthday. :-(
Anyway, all is going well here. I added you guys to my blog page...so you should add me as well. ;-) I have some cute pictures of Winston swimming in his pool. Not as adorable as Jackson of course, but a close second none the less.
Anyway, drop me a line and let me know how you all are doing.
I can't figure out how to access your blog, and I have no idea what your email address is now that you're not at UO. Email me!
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