It has been a busy week for us. We have lots of pictures and some updates from our Christmas. Pictures: December 20th (around the house), December 22nd (my family's Christmas gathering), December 24th (around the house) and December 24th (Christmas Eve at home). From a few of the pictures you can see Jackson's two new teeth that are coming in. They are sharp. These pictures have been added to the weekly update as well. Updates: Jackson is starting to crawl, or more correctly rocking hands and knees, he is getting there soon. He has been eating a lot of solid food (toast and now some Cheerios). It is so much fun to see him change and grow and do new things everyday. He has gotten much better about tummy time and he can roll him self over basically at will. Today he rolled over three times to get near Mary as she was on the floor. Videos: Eating round 1 and round 2, unwrapping presents 1 and part 2, playing with his music box and playing with his drum. We did not travel North for the big Christmas gathering this year. We went for Thanksgiving and did not have the energy to do it again so soon. This was a very different Christmas for us, with just us at home. The less amount of driving sure helped with the stress. Tomorrow it is back to work.
Well, that did my aching heart good! I sure miss Jackson and would have loved to be with you to see all the presents being opened (and the paper going into the mouth.) I'm glad he liked his music box, and I hope to get weekly reports about his swim lessons!! We missed you up at Miooch's house but we are all so glad that you had a more restful, less stressed out Christmas. Please tell Jackson that his Bebo says hi, and that his Gram loves him a lot and misses him bunches. The videos really really helped so thanks SO MUCH for those. Love to both of you, too, and best wishes for a peace-filled, joy-filled New Year 2008.
It is so much fun to keep coming back to the stills and the movies. I am going to have to alternate my wallpapers frequently to be able to see my favorites in bigger size. Not too many parents would deliberately get a drum "set" - I applaud you! I think Jackson will be making music very soon. I liked to see his toes wiggling in time with his hands in his excitement to grab and bring to his mouth. Looks like he also had a great time socializing at the family event. Love, Mom/Nana
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