Well, on Sunday I told you that I had not seen the "old Faithful" Today I sit here corrected. To clarify, I saw something different. I would more describe it as a Hawaiian lava slide or small eruption. There was not a lot of force and distance like say a geyser but more of a prolonged steady flow. Engough of the imagary. Today we had the two week Dr. check up. Baby is doing great, he is 9# [up past the birth weight of 8# 6oz] not bad for two weeks. He is at the 50%, dead center, good news I guess. And he is now only 21.5in, so as was expected his cone head has shrunk down to the normal round. They did another PKU test, results to follow, he was not too keen on them drawing blood from his heel. I have some pictures
here from this afternoon. Tomorrow the hockey season may end and we [yes, Jackson and I - not just the royal "we"] will be wathcing it. Jackson has already been a good influence on me there has been less yelling, especially at the diving on Monday. Some of these players should get their own Oscar nominations [..cough..Neil...cough... Emery..cough] but tomorrow will be a sad and fun day as we get to see the cup. Ah, I remember Wednesday October 4th like it was yesterday. My point is Jackson likes hockey so I guess that we will keep him. More news as it happens. But as promised here are pictures from day 0 and today [day 14]