Monday, October 1, 2007

Jackson Videos

Last week we got Jackson a new toy. Here we have few videos of him playing in his new toy. We have three great little snipettes for y'all: first one of him bouncing, a second of him bouncing, and (yes, yes I know) a third of him bouncing (with bonus laughing). Tomorrow we will do the weekly update with some pictures. I hope this helps 'till then.


Sculpin said...

Heh! For just a moment or two there, he totally looks like he's tapdancing.

Trisha said...

He's gotten so big! And he looks like such a happy baby.

Mimi said...

Very cute. I'll add that to my imaginary list of things to buy in the future. Plus, what is with these false promises of hope? I keep checking for my update (aka highly addictive Jackson drug) and de nada!