This weekend we went to little gym again. We have been going for the past few weeks. Jackson has been enjoying himself a lot. He is the most out going one in his class. We are a bit worried that because of amount of energy he has there that everyone will think we keep him confined all day. He has expanded is climbing now to....well...everything. Before he wanted to climb the walls ( not in this case it is not an expression) to turn on or off light. Now, he is trying to climb the door jambs, he swings from the bathroom sink, the kitchen table as well as the cutting block. If you look at this weeks pics you can see that he has really taken to the bar. This would explain the constant climbing. But you can also see by the end of the day he is very tired, that he about to nap there on the floor at the gym. That brings us to this weeks picture. Where Jackson is on the bar on his own. I need to get that boy a rock gym to keep him from climbing all over our house.